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This page aims to answer the most common questions asked about Kiss Linux. If
your question is not listed here, an equivalent answer may exist within the
distribution's documentation. If no answer is found, get in touch @/contact

[000] Index

* Distribution ........................................................... [001]
  * What Does "KISS" Mean? ............................................... [002]

* Software ............................................................... [003]
  * Why Is SOFTWARE Not Packaged? ........................................ [004]
  * Can The Distribution Package SOFTWARE For Me? ........................ [005]
  * Does DRM Work In Web Browsers? ....................................... [006]

* Website ................................................................ [007]
  * Where Is Dark Mode? .................................................. [008]
  * What Font Does This Website Use? ..................................... [009]

[001] Distribution

--[002] What Does "KISS" Mean? -------------------------------------------------

  KISS is an acronym for "Keep it simple stupid" (notice _no_ comma).

  Stupid does not refer to the user. To quote Wikipedia:

  > The principle is best exemplified by the story of Johnson handing a team of
    design engineers a handful of tools, with the challenge that the jet
    aircraft they were designing must be repairable by an average mechanic in
    the field under combat conditions with only these tools.

  > Hence, the "stupid" refers to the relationship between the way things break
    and the sophistication available to repair them.

[003] Software

--[004] Why Is SOFTWARE Not Packaged -------------------------------------------

  The distribution provides users with an extensible base (including a modern
  web browser and media player). Any software that goes beyond this goal is not
  provided. It is expected that users build upon and extend this base (making
  any changes necessary to suit their needs).

--[005] Can The Distribution Package SOFTWARE For Me? --------------------------

  Feel free to suggest software for inclusion in the official repositories.
  Depending on the software and its role in the system, the distribution may
  pick it up as an official package.

--[006] Does DRM Work In Web Browsers? -----------------------------------------

  No. The proprietary DRM is incompatible with the distribution's choice of C
  library (musl) and will not run. Nothing can be done to fix this as the DRM
  is not open source.

[007] Website

--[008] Where Is Dark Mode? ----------------------------------------------------

  This website supports dark mode via 'prefers-color-scheme'.


--[009] What Font Does This Website Use? ---------------------------------------

  This website uses your browser's default monospace font.


Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2021

The registered trademark Linux(R) is used pursuant to a sublicense from the
Linux Foundation, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark
on a world­wide basis.