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|                Documentation and information about KISS Linux.               |
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Distribution               System                      Universe

 @/package-system           @/service-management        @/forks
 @/package-manager          @/device-management         @/repositories
 @/KISS_PATH                @/hostname
 @/website                  @/manual-pages
 @/testimonials             @/console-keymap

Official Repositories

 %/adwaita-icon-theme       %/hicolor-icon-theme        %/opendoas
 %/alsa-lib                 %/intel-vaapi-driver        %/openresolv
 %/alsa-utils               %/json-c                    %/openssh
 %/atk                      %/kirc                      %/openssl
 %/baseinit                 %/kiss                      %/opus
 %/baselayout               %/lame                      %/pango
 %/binutils                 %/libass                    %/pcre
 %/bison                    %/libdrm                    %/perl
 %/bkeymaps                 %/libelf                    %/pigz
 %/busybox                  %/libffi                    %/pixman
 %/bzip2                    %/libinput                  %/pkgconf
 %/cairo                    %/libjpeg-turbo             %/python
 %/cbindgen                 %/libogg                    %/rust
 %/ccache                   %/libpciaccess              %/samurai
 %/clang                    %/libpng                    %/scdoc
 %/cmake                    %/libseat                   %/slurp
 %/curl                     %/libtheora                 %/sqlite
 %/dhcpcd                   %/libudev-zero              %/ssu
 %/dosfstools               %/libva                     %/strace
 %/e2fsprogs                %/libva-utils               %/sway
 %/efibootmgr               %/libvorbis                 %/ttf-croscore
 %/efivar                   %/libvpx                    %/tzdata
 %/eiwd                     %/libwebp                   %/util-linux
 %/expat                    %/libxkbcommon              %/vim
 %/ffmpeg                   %/linux-headers             %/wayland
 %/firefox                  %/llvm                      %/wayland-protocols
 %/firefox-privacy          %/m4                        %/wbg
 %/flex                     %/make                      %/wl-clipboard
 %/fontconfig               %/man-pages                 %/wlroots
 %/foot                     %/mandoc                    %/wlsunset
 %/freetype-harfbuzz        %/mdevd                     %/wpa_supplicant
 %/gcc                      %/mesa                      %/x264
 %/gdk-pixbuf               %/meson                     %/x265
 %/git                      %/mold                      %/xkeyboard-config
 %/glib                     %/mpv                       %/xvidcore
 %/gnugrep                  %/musl                      %/xz
 %/gnupg1                   %/mutt                      %/zlib
 %/grim                     %/nasm                      %/zstd
 %/grub                     %/ncurses
 %/gtk+3                    %/nodejs

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Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2021

The registered trademark Linux(R) is used pursuant to a sublicense from the
Linux Foundation, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark
on a world­wide basis.