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Device Management

The distribution provides two device managers, mdev (from busybox) and mdevd.
The user also retains the ability to run the system without the use of a device
manager. This page will document how to setup and use the defaults.

The provided configuration files also support device hotplugging for programs
which link to libudev (via the libudev-zero package). @/pkg/libudev-zero is a
daemonless replacement for udev which works with any device manager.

[000] Index

* Installation ........................................................... [001]
* Setup .................................................................. [002]
  * Configuration ........................................................ [003]
  * Start The Daemon ..................................................... [004]
* References ............................................................. [005]

[001] Installation

If opting to use mdevd the package must be installed. If opting to use mdev,
it is provided by busybox (which is part of the base system).

|                                                                              |
|  $ kiss b mdevd                                                              |
|                                                                              |

[002] Setup

The baseinit package supports mdev and mdevd. The only setup required is any
additional configuration (if necessary) and to start the daemon.

--[003] Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------

  The default configuration files for both device managers are the same (as both
  device managers support the same format). The majority of use cases should be
  covered. If additional configuration is required make your modifications to
  /etc/mdev.conf (mdev) or /etc/mdevd.conf (mdevd) accordingly.

  Documentation on the device managers and configuration format is not (yet)
  included with the distribution and can be found in the following locations.

  * https://github.com/slashbeast/mdev-like-a-boss/
  * https://git.busybox.net/busybox/plain/docs/mdev.txt
  * http://kanj.github.io/elfs/book/x86Musl/bootscripts/mdev.html
  * https://skarnet.org/software/mdevd/

--[004] Start The Daemon -------------------------------------------------------

  Both device managers provide service files compatible with the distribution's
  default service manager. Refer to the distribution's service management
  documentation at #/wiki/service-management for further information.

[005] References

[0] https://skarnet.org/software/mdevd/


Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2021

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