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cbindgen version 0.20.0
cbindgen creates C/C++11 headers for Rust libraries which expose a public C API.
While you could do this by hand, it's not a particularly good use of your time.
It's also much more likely to be error-prone than machine-generated headers that
are based on your actual Rust code. The cbindgen developers have also worked
closely with the developers of Rust to ensure that the headers we generate
reflect actual guarantees about Rust's type layout and ABI. [0]
Upstream: https://github.com/eqrion/cbindgen
[000] Index
* Installation ........................................................... [001]
* Usage .................................................................. [002]
* History ................................................................ [003]
* References ............................................................. [004]
[001] Installation
| |
| $ kiss b cbindgen |
| |
[002] Usage
No documentation is currently provided with the package, refer to online
documentation for the time being. $/eqrion/cbindgen/blob/master/docs.md
[003] History
2021-09-02 31bf9188 cbindgen: trim build directories from binary
2021-09-01 1dd99e38 cbindgen: fix README
2021-07-30 a87db8e1 cbindgen: 0.20.0
2021-07-15 e55643d5 cbindgen: use VERSION
2021-07-10 8716e4e4 cbindgen: Fix wasi crate 404
2021-07-06 a63c52ea cbindgen: nitpick
2021-07-01 6871129b cbindgen: remove usage of install
2021-07-01 f068f3da cbindgen: 0.19.0
2020-10-07 9b5d9fde cbindgen: 0.15.0
2020-09-22 01205523 cbindgen: 0.14.6
2020-09-20 5b96eaaf cbindgen: 0.14.5
2020-08-21 620b58f8 cbindgen: 0.14.4
2020-06-25 6c349f2a cbindgen: bump to 0.14.3
2020-05-01 576ff957 cbindgen: bump to 0.14.2
2020-04-15 6783ea1b cbindgen: bump to 0.14.1
2020-03-21 ce6aa1d4 cbindgen: bump to 0.13.2
2020-03-12 baec60ad cbindgen: Remove network requirement
2020-02-09 e7a85e52 cbindgen: bump to 0.13.1
2020-01-31 6549c1e3 cbindgen: Bump to 0.13.0
2020-01-14 d94a9035 cbindgen: Revert to 0.9.0
2020-01-12 27420252 cbindgen: bump to 0.12.2
2020-01-12 f8056002 cbindgen: revert to 0.12.1
2020-01-10 f39e3fc1 cbindgen: bump to 0.12.2. Release made without tag
2019-12-30 1968e579 cbindgen: bump to 0.12.1
2019-12-17 e23ade8d cbindgen: bump to 0.12.0
2019-12-09 7d4f45fd cbindgen: bump to 0.11.1
2019-12-04 b5355500 cbindgen: bump to 0.11.0
2019-12-03 87df875b cbindgen: bump to 0.10.1
2019-11-20 f2b4cede cbindgen: bump to 0.10.0
2019-10-08 ad53cf75 cbindgen: clean up build
2019-08-26 25c96df3 cbindgen: bump to 0.9.1
2019-08-24 c6113520 cbindgen: fix depends
2019-08-03 38bc3254 cbindgen: new package at 0.9.0
[004] References
[0] https://github.com/eqrion/cbindgen
Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2021
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