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foot version 1.10.2
The fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator. [0]
Upstream: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot
[000] Index
* Installation ........................................................... [001]
* Setup .................................................................. [002]
* Usage .................................................................. [003]
* Troubleshooting ........................................................ [004]
* History ................................................................ [005]
* References ............................................................. [006]
[001] Installation
There are two flavours of foot to choose from: 'foot' and 'foot-pgo'. The latter
performs profile guided optimizations which result in a faster terminal. [1] [2]
| |
| $ kiss b [foot|foot-pgo] |
| |
If the system has no fonts, installation of a font is also required.
| |
| $ kiss b ttf-croscore |
| |
[002] Usage
Refer to the manual pages and command help output.
[005] History
2021-12-03 37e96418 foot: 1.10.2
2021-11-23 396af94f foot: 1.10.1
2021-11-15 d75ee257 foot: 1.10.0
2021-10-04 08e7c5d6 foot: 1.9.2
2021-10-02 c1f8803f foot: 1.9.1
2021-08-28 8617b1be foot: 1.9.0
2021-07-27 1010c8cc foot: ensure manual pages are installed when scdoc available
2021-07-27 3a47c8d4 foot: disable ime detection
2021-07-27 20500c06 foot: use commit to backport bugfixes
2021-07-23 cb978e2d foot: fcft 2.4.4
2021-07-19 22120f1c foot: 1.8.2
2021-07-17 8e121a4e foot: fix depends
2021-07-15 509fbd22 foot: update for new env
2021-07-15 aa38115c foot: use VERSION
2021-07-08 99e7abae foot: remove completions, READMEs, etc
2021-07-08 72903a83 foot: 1.8.1
[006] References
[0] https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot
[1] https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/wiki/Performance
[2] https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/src/branch/master/doc/benchmark.md
Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2021
The registered trademark Linux(R) is used pursuant to a sublicense from the
Linux Foundation, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark
on a worldÂwide basis.