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util-linux                                                        version 2.37.2

util-linux is a standard package distributed by the Linux Kernel Organization
for use as part of the Linux operating system. A fork, util-linux-ng (with ng
meaning "next generation"), was created when development stalled, but as of
January 2011 has been renamed back to util-linux, and is the official version of
the package. [0]

Upstream: https://github.com/karelzak/util-linux

[000] Index

* Installation ........................................................... [001]
* Setup .................................................................. [002]
* Usage .................................................................. [003]
* History ................................................................ [004]
* References ............................................................. [005]

[001] Installation

|                                                                              |
|  $ kiss b util-linux                                                         |
|                                                                              |

[002] Setup

util-linux and busybox have some command overlap. Use the alternatives system
to swap to the desired choices. Run 'kiss a' to list alternatives and then
swap to util-linux accordingly.

|                                                                              |
|  $ kiss a util-linux /path/to/bin                                            |
|                                                                              |

[003] Usage

Refer to the manual pages and command help output.

[004] History

2021-08-16 1e6436cd util-linux: 2.37.2
2021-07-22 ae0832a1 util-linux: 2.37.1
2021-07-18 3e981a84 util-linux: update for new env
2021-07-15 4dfa11cb util-linux: use VERSION
2021-07-12 dd98b396 util-linux: remove bash completions and getopt examples
2021-06-30 c3517d66 util-linux: 2.37
2020-11-16 91b91bb3 util-linux: 2.36.1
2020-07-23 82a47f5c util-linux: bump to 2.36
2020-05-30 7836a7fa util-linux: Fix source (cert exp)
2020-05-20 969cf186 util-linux: bump to 2.35.2
2020-02-13 91a97042 util-linux: Don't exclude utils
2020-02-10 96b65b07 util-linux: fix broken --sbindir
2020-01-31 1d4b4a85 util-linux: bump to 2.35.1
2020-01-21 99331679 util-linux: bump to 2.35
2019-10-05 45fe7ae7 util-linux: let nls be detected
2019-09-07 f2ead50f util-linux: fix depends
2019-07-21 941bfbbb util-linux: fix conflicts with busybox
2019-07-19 5fa629b8 util-linux: Don't install getopt
2019-07-07 aa13dd1f util-linux: add package

[005] References

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Util-linux


Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2021

The registered trademark Linux(R) is used pursuant to a sublicense from the
Linux Foundation, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark
on a world­wide basis.