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zlib                                                              version 1.2.11

zlib is a software library used for data compression. zlib was written by
Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler and is an abstraction of the DEFLATE compression
algorithm used in their gzip file compression program. zlib is also a crucial
component of many software platforms, including Linux, macOS, and iOS. It has
also been used in gaming consoles such as the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3,
Wii U, Wii, Xbox One and Xbox 360. [0]

Upstream: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zlib

[000] Index

* Installation ........................................................... [001]
* Usage .................................................................. [002]
* History ................................................................ [003]
* References ............................................................. [004]

[001] Installation

|                                                                              |
|  $ kiss b zlib                                                               |
|                                                                              |

[002] Usage

Refer to the manual pages and command help output.

[003] History

2021-07-31 927af4f6 zlib: remove unneeded flags
2021-07-15 3fe7d554 zlib: update for new env
2021-07-15 a3fd768f zlib: use VERSION
2021-07-03 5ad1194d zlib: compile with -fPIC to make lld work
2020-09-28 8c145674 zlib: revert
2020-09-28 f8172d3d zlib: remove stray file
2020-02-11 f76f7a92 zlib: revert pie fixes
2020-02-10 b80d5bd0 zlib: compile -fPIE
2019-06-19 6806aed0 zlib: add license
2019-06-18 f6edab3d zlib: Update manifest
2019-06-02 58f86913 zlib: use /usr/lib for libraries

[004] References

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zlib


Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2021

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Linux Foundation, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark
on a world­wide basis.